Granny D’s Village Steamed Fish

Tilapia cooked in coconut milk with pumpkin and ochro

Ever had a recipe that you grew up eating and then had the same named dish at someone else's and it was totally different? I guess that’s the story of "Steamed Fish" for me ?! When my husband and I first got married and we were  incorporating more fish into our diet and this popped up, "steamed fish". I have a vague recollection of me making this and him being totally confused and albeit taken aback by my version.  There was a lot of  "well my mom didn’t make it like that" and let's be honest, being newly married there were hurt feelings (I know I know …this was before I realized I could "throw it down in the kitchen" ). Over time, both versions have become part of our rotation of recipes none of which my daughter likes lol .

 This is an adaptation of my mom's version, she traditionally made her steamed fish on top of breadfruit cooked in coconut milk , similar to "oil down". Oil down, is a Caribbean dish originating in Grenada where breadfruit is cooked slowly with coconut milk and seasonings. Different Caribbean islands have their own take on "oil down" and each person has their own spin. One of the coolest things about putting together this recipe for the blog was discovering that in Belize there is a dish called "Coconut milk steamed fish ". Similar flavors and preparation process ..and also, please note husband's called STEAMED FISH. :)

 Let me know if you take this recipe for a spin and your thoughts. Remember cook to your preference, if you like more pepper, seasonings etc feel free to adjust accordingly. If the gravy thickens add hot water.  If you want to make this a one pot meal, pop some potatoes or sweet potatoes in with the squash, double the water or coconut milk and allow to cook before topping off with the fish. This is a deliciously rich and hearty meal that is awesome for the upcoming colder months.



3 fillets fish - tilapia  
3/4 cup Coconut milk 
1/2 cup water 
1/3 cup squash / pumpkin cut in 1 inch cubes 
3-4 okra cut in 1/4 inch pieces 
2 sprigs thyme 
1 tablespoon onion finely minced 
1 tablespoon garlic finely minced 
1/2 teaspoon salt 
1/2 teaspoon black pepper 
1 scotch bonnet / habanero pepper 
2 green onion stalks minced 

 Fish Marinade :

  • 1 teaspoon salt

  • 1 teaspoon black pepper

  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic finely minced

  • 3 leaves cilantro finely minced

  • 2 sprigs thyme

  • 2 Spanish thyme

  • 1/2 teaspoon lime juice

  • 1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes


  1. Season the fish with marinade ingredients and refrigerate for 1 hour or overnight. 

  2. Pre-heat 1/2 tablespoon vegetable oil on medium heat.

  3. Sautee onion, green onion, thyme sautéed for 2-3 minutes until fragrant .

  4. Add minced garlic, pepper, squash and stir ensuring the squash is coated with the seasonings.

  5. Season with salt and black pepper, cover and cook for 5-8 minutes.

  6. Add water,  lower heat and cover to allow the pumpkin/squash to soften for 10-15 minutes.( The middle should be firm).  

  7. Add coconut milk and okra and continue to cook for 10 minutes on low heat .

  8. Add fish, gently and allow to cook for 8 - 10 minutes until the fish is fully cooked and the sauce is thickened like a gravy.


Granny B's Arima Steam Fish


Granny D’s Potatoes