Plantain Gnocchi

Plantain Gnocchi with Jerk Oxtail Ragu

This was the best thing I made in 2023, Plantain Gnocchi with Jerk Oxtail Ragu . Yes, I am late but this Holiday season was a different one, IYKYK. That aside, I have a few recipes to catch up on and a ton of reviews but all in good time. Now we focus on Plantain Gnocchi.

I first saw this on a menu and my mind was blown…and yes, I study menus of places I want to visit. I researched a bit and the recipe that I attempted is a variation on a recipe by . In the past I failed…abysmally  on Gnocchi, it honestly takes practise because a variety of factors can impact the dough plus the texture comes through experience. I loved this recipe because of the technique of steaming the plantains to ensure no additional moisture.  I did two variations of the dough one with egg and one without. I truly enjoyed the Gnocchi that was made without egg and the following details the ingredients I used.

In testing the recipe I finished one batch in a brown butter, parsley and shrimp sauce and another in a jerk oxtail ragu . Trust me when I say, my husband has been asking about the Gnocchi plantain in the jerk oxtail ragu so I may repeat it  soon.


  • I used 00 flour which is used for pizza and pasta for a chewier texture.

  • I dusted parchment paper with dried cornmeal/polenta to prevent the Gnocchi from sticking to each other.



1-2 ripe plantains ( 169 g cooked plantain)

68g 00 flour

1/8 tsp salt



  1. Slice plantains into 11/2 inch slices.

  2. Place plantain slices in a bamboo steamer over a pot of boiling water for 20 minutes until cooked.(The skin separates from the plantain slightly. )

  3. Remove skin from plantains and mash into a paste.

  4. Add salt into the plantain mash and gradually knead in flour until the dough is no longer sticky.

  5. Portion the dough into two balls and roll into logs about 1/2 inch thick.

  6. Using a knife cut the logs into 1/4 inch pieces, using the back of a fork you can press each Gnocchi to create ridges.

  7. Boil 6 cups of salted water and gently add the Gnocchi.

  8. Remove the Gnocchi from the water once they float.

  9. Add  butter, garlic and parsley ( or your favourite sauce) to pan, sauté for 2 minutes and add Gnocchi.

  10. Enjoy.


Green Banana Salad


Ochro / Okra Fries